Friday, May 28, 2010

a special thanks

hello world! my first real day out of the apartment today was fabulous and very much needed!! after a very uplifting doctor's appointment, my sweet hubby took me to hobby lobby to pick up a few projects for when I'm cooped up in the apartment (still not daring to do the 3 flights of stairs alone!!), out to a lovely dinner, and then to get some yummy dessert at Mimi's Cafe with the wonderful Bergerons!! What a great day :)

The first thanks goes out to my wonderful Matt... he has been so sweet, so gentle and so great through this whole thing. He has brought me meals, helped me walk, made me smile and even listen to me cry (a lot) because I was "seriously emotionally drained" as he likes to say. He has been the BEST! Thanks baby for taking such good care of me.

Second, to my awesome mom who came all the way to Texas just to sit in a one bedroom apartment with a daughter that did not leave the couch! I couldn't have made it my first week without her here... she was so wonderful to clean our apartment, wash my hair and help me shave my "good" leg, do laundry, run errands, chat with me to distract me from pain and going crazy, and just be the wonderful mom that she is! Thanks mom for coming... I miss you so much already.

Third, all the church members who have made us meals, came to visit, brought flowers or just came to sit with me while Matt was working and mom wasn't here yet! It has been so great to feel so loved and cared for by the church family. I don't know what we would do without y'all!! Thank you :)

There is a lot that goes into recovery... I am learning and so being stretched!

1. Gradually putting more weight on my leg and being able to move away from crutches.
2. Trusting more in the Lord and less on myself and others during this time of healing.
3. Being more intentional with my time "stuck" at home.
4. Try really hard in all my PT exercises (in the PT office and at home)... it is so hard and a very slow process.
5. Getting 6-8 hours on the machine each day.

1. Reaching 70 degrees on the machine!!
2. A new, bendable brace and no more stitches!
3. Taking my first shower :) ... this is kind of a goal too - really, really hard and scary to stand in there!
4. Getting off the couch and out of the apartment more!
5. Getting to sleep back in our bed with my husband! wohoo!!

Thank you for your prayers! Praise the Lord for the big and little victories in our lives!

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